Mirror Mirror
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,Reflecting back, but do you see it all?
A visage painted, a smile to wear,
But beneath the surface, does anyone care?
Who is that in the mirror's gaze?
A facade of perfection, a mask to amaze.
Yet behind the eyes, a soul in turmoil,
Longing for freedom, to break the coil.
The mirror shows what others see,
But what of the person yearning to be free?
A prisoner of expectations, trapped within,
Yearning to shed the guise, to begin again.
Smile bright, stand tall, play the part,
But inside, a storm rages, tearing apart.
The reflection lies, a distorted view,
For who we are is hidden from view.
Mirror, mirror, can you see the pain,
The struggle to maintain, to feign?
Yet amidst the chaos, a glimmer of truth,
Beneath the surface, lies the fountain of youth.
For beauty is not skin deep, nor merely facade,
But the courage to be authentic, to break the charade.
So let the mirror crack, let it shatter,
For true beauty lies in embracing what matters.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Reflect the soul, the truest call.
For in the depths of our being, we find grace,
A reflection of love, a sacred space.
Poem by,
Emmanuella Asika.
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